Becoming an iPhone App Developer.

  • Jan
  • 25

I’ve thrown my hat in and have started trying to wrap my noggin around iphone app development. I figured since I have not used this blog to document anything else in my life, I might as well dedicate it to capturing the development of my first iPhone app.

So with that said, my first planned app with be a grocery list. Why a grocery list? Well, it seems like a pretty basic app, and I figure I can actually use it. There are already a truck load of them in the app store, so I don’t plan on really making any money on it, but I’m hoping it can be a stepping stone learning wise. I’m also hoping to integrate a voice-to-list feature, which I don’t believe any other iPhone grocery list has, and there are a lot of them.

If all goes well with this first app I have plans for another app that would combine a grocery list and game. I know, weird, but it could be interesting. I won’t go into that any further for the time being though.

To summarize my iphone/xcode development experience so far let just say it’s been like being thrown in the deep end of the pool. There are so many concepts and specifics to learn that I dont think my brain can hold it all. To combat that I’m really just trying to get through the very basics right now.

I’ve spent the last several days reading a LOT of apple coding guides for objective-c and the ios sdk. I already have one book on iphone gaming, but I’m not making a game yet, so I ordered another book called beginning iphone 4 development from amazon. The good news is I am slowly making progress and beginning to understand how things work, the bad news is, it’s a lot to pick up and harder than I thought. It’s only been a few days, so hopefully within a months time I’ll have really made some headway into actually building the first app (I’m optimistic).

I’m not sure when my next update will be. Probably when I start to actually code the grocery list. Or maybe I’ll post a design doc for it. I find it helps a whole bunch if you know exactly how an application is going to function before you start coding it.

Au revoir!

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