Temporary Code Hiatus

  • Feb
  • 21

Seems like I just got going with the iPhone development, but I already feel I need to set it aside for a bit and refocus on some other projects. Mainly, I feel like I’m spreading myself too thin and not actually finishing some projects I’ve been thinking about for a long time.  I have also been quite busy lately, mostly with having fun, and occasionally with work. I will be starting a fulltime job next week, which I plan on putting my full attention on.

So what this means is I’m going to take a TEMPORARY break from the iPhone development stuff, and try to actually finish at least one other project. I’m hoping it will not be a long break though, maybe just a month or two. We’ll see.

So what is this other project? Well, it’s a card game…hehe. Yep, an old fashion analog card game. I’ve had it on the brain for over a year now, and wrote a proposal along with rules and gameplay, but I need to actually create a working version, and then play test it. Perhaps I’ll start posting more about it. First I need to assess where I’m at with it and then make a schedule though. I think it would be fun and motivating to make most about each milestone as I successfully or not so successfully reach them.

More later.

My iPhone book arrives & other stuff

  • Feb
  • 21

I continue to progress along the path to becoming an iPhone developer. I recently received my copy of “Beginning iPhone 4 Development”, which I’m sure will be a big help in continuing my education. Frankly, I had already been going through a downloaded copy (see illegally downloaded) of the previous addition, which was already proving to be very helpful, as I waited for my printed copy to be mailed. I have not yet started my actual app, but I’m feeling like I’ll soon have the tools to do so.

Another development has been the discovery of the Corona SDK, which is basically a framework and api for making iphone and android games with the same code base. The think I really like about this sdk is that it is heavily based on ActionScript 2, which I already am very familiar with from my Flash development. On top of all that it is actually free to try, and only $200 for a year subscription if you want to publish apps with it. As soon as I start building games, I’ll definitely be checking it out more closely.