Temporary Code Hiatus

  • Feb
  • 21

Seems like I just got going with the iPhone development, but I already feel I need to set it aside for a bit and refocus on some other projects. Mainly, I feel like I’m spreading myself too thin and not actually finishing some projects I’ve been thinking about for a long time.  I have also been quite busy lately, mostly with having fun, and occasionally with work. I will be starting a fulltime job next week, which I plan on putting my full attention on.

So what this means is I’m going to take a TEMPORARY break from the iPhone development stuff, and try to actually finish at least one other project. I’m hoping it will not be a long break though, maybe just a month or two. We’ll see.

So what is this other project? Well, it’s a card game…hehe. Yep, an old fashion analog card game. I’ve had it on the brain for over a year now, and wrote a proposal along with rules and gameplay, but I need to actually create a working version, and then play test it. Perhaps I’ll start posting more about it. First I need to assess where I’m at with it and then make a schedule though. I think it would be fun and motivating to make most about each milestone as I successfully or not so successfully reach them.

More later.